Key West Attractions Association Membership Application

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    Key West Attractions Association, Inc.
    Membership Application

    I. Membership Information

    Full MembershipAssociate Membership

    II. Qualifications of Membership

    There shall be two classes of members, Full Attractions Members and Associate Members. Membership shall be enrolled in the name of the attraction or business.

    Full Attraction Member:

    An attraction is a place or facility, whether mobile or fixed, which one visits or utilizes because it offers or possesses appealing or unique features and appeals to the general public. Its interests may be scenic, scientific, educational, historic, religious, inspirational, or entertaining. Mobile commercial attraction must have a fixed and permanent point (a building, station or other structure used for the purpose of that business) of departure and return, must have an established route, and must not pick up and discharge passengers at random points along the advertised and established route. To become eligible for membership, an attraction must charge an admission or fee, be in a permanent year-round location, and have conducted said presentation in an ethical manner, with the purpose in mind of disseminating accurate and factual information. An attraction, before being considered for fill membership, must have been in business for a period of at least one year, be located within a ten mile radius of the city limits and have maintained a definite policy regarding the character and operation of said attraction. An attraction to be considered for membership shall be one whose management and presentation have enjoyed good public relations in this community throughout its entire business relationship, one that has conducted ethical business association with other attractions in the city, and one that has demonstrated a spirit of cooperation. Attraction’s ownership must indicate it fully understands and will abide by all the requirements of membership in the Key West Attractions Association.

    Associate Member:

    An associate member is any business or organization which is actively engaged in providing goods and/or services to the attractions industry. Businesses which qualify for full attractions membership shall not be eligible for associate membership.

    Application for Membership:

    Request for attraction membership consideration must be submitted to the Membership Committee. The Membership Visitation Committee is composed of Executive Board members and full member appointees. Upon examination and review of the applicant’s qualification for membership, Occupational License and a site visit, the Membership Committee shall, by a majority of members present, recommend to the Executive Board whether or not the applicant for attractions membership meets all qualifications for membership. Applications presented to the Executive Board may be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Board. If approved, the general membership will be notified no less than 15 days prior to the regular meeting. If an attraction applicant has met the qualifications, it shall be brought before the full membership for a vote. Membership shall be denied only for a good cause. If the proposed attraction fails to receive the required three-fourths affirmative voice vote of the attending full members at a regular meeting, the denied applicant has a right of re-hearing before the Executive Board within 30 days of notification to present any evidence it wishes in support of its application and may re-apply for a second vote. If the applicant fails to receive the required three-fourths affirmative voice vote of the attending members at a second vote it may be proposed for membership again for one year.

    • Associate Members:

      Membership nominations must be submitted to the Executive Board for review before any action may be taken by the board at any regular or special meeting. Applicants must submit a completed application and copy of their Occupational License. Membership applications for Associate Members are to be submitted to the General Membership and must receive a majority vote of attending voting members. If associate membership is denied, the denied applicant has the right of re-hearing before the Board of Directors within 30 days of notification to present any evidence it wishes in support of its application.

    Membership Representative:

    An attraction accepted for membership shall designate a representative and an alternate from its ownership and/or active management ranks with full authority to act in association deliberation in an official and binding capacity for said attraction. It is expressly understood that only a designated representative can act for an attraction with the exception of signed proxy.

    III. Dues and Assessments

    Annual Dues for full members of the Association shall be determined in the sum of $495 per year starting January 1st. Full members that are elected into the association during the course of the year shall have their dues prorated by the sum of $41/month. The cost of new membership will be determined by the date and month the full members have sworn the full member applicant in. Yearly assessment of membership dues for this category shall be determined in the sum of $260.00 per year to be payable on January 1st. Associate members that are elected into the association during the course of the year shall have their dues prorated by the sum of $22/month. The cost of new membership will be determined by the date and month the full members have sworn the associate applicant in.

    No member is eligible to vote or have a voice in the affairs of the Association while any dues or portion thereof are in arrears.

    Applications for reinstatement of membership rights can only be made by the duly authorized representatives of the delinquent attraction at the next regular meeting upon payment of dues, and reinstatement shall require a majority of the membership represented at the meeting.

    Annual dues may be waved in return for other memberships (ie: Lodging Association, Chamber of Commerce, etc.) or for goods and services rendered for the betterment of the association.

    If accepted hereby agrees to abide by the by-laws and constitution of the Key West Attractions Association.